This game is a submission for Ludum Dare 56. View all gamesView submission

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Our story, such as it is, finds local ally of justice and noted pest control freak MAGICAL GIRL DANMAKU DANDELINA floating aboard her trusty dandelion poof down the inside of the GREAT[1] MAKU[2] TREE[3] in pursuit of a mission-critical objective vital for further progression of the main quest line. This is, as usual, somewhat very hazardous in the extreme. To make matters worse, it is presently unclear whether she has the necessary permits to be on the premises to do whatever it is she is doing, consent of local stakeholders, or if she is legally operating under a Spell Or Natural Magic Using Persons Insurance Policy covered for magical flight[4].

All that's to say it's probably fine and there's nothing to worry about.

Just help Dandelina out!


  • WASD or arrow keys to move.  
  • Hold LMB to shoot.  
  • Hold shift for focus mode. 
  • The bottom of the DANDELION is the hitbox, it is 2 pixels wide by 5 pixels tall.   
  • You have 21 HIT POINTS.  
  • Steal Find POWER UPS for more POWER.  
  • If you are POWERFUL enough, a BOSS may appear...

1. It's only a bit bigger than normal sized, really.
2. Other trees are available.[5]
3. Rumours that it is actually the inside of a derelict telegraph post are untrue. Remember to use trusted and verified news sources!
4. Floating! Doesn't count!
5. Other levels sold separately not (currently) available.


Ruruie: Art, sound effects and programming   
Alpacalypse: Programming and music

Software: Godot 4.3, Notepad++, Aseprite, Paint.NET, Leshy, Bfxr, Sfxr, REAPER with Surge XT plugin  
Palette:  ToyBox32 by AxulArt  
Fonts: Beyond Wonderland, Black Chancery, plus Gabriola and Madoka Runes in cover image 


  • 2024/10/08/00:10 - missing powerups put back in so boss can spawn
  • 2024/10/08/00:19 - fixed issue with correct display of score on end screen
Published 2 days ago
TagsLudum Dare, Ludum Dare 56
LinksLudum Dare

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